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20° International SIDP Congress

Italian society of perodontics and implantology "News guidelines for the treatment of periodontisis stadium 3°

Content expired or no longer available
Location: Rimini- Palacongressi - Via della Fiera, 23
From 23th to 25th September 2021

Event dedicated to operators from dental sector: clinical, researchers, dentists, hygienists, freelancers, university.
On stage several speakers wich contributed to draw up the guidelines to improve dental techniques.
In addition to this: lessons , workshop and prestigious awards.

On this occasion Hotel Polo offers privileged rates for:  companies, freelancers, entities
Contact us to discover our " Dedicated Business Offer"

Hotel Polo
Tel. +39 0541 51180
Fax +39 0541 51202
Cell. +39 327 1577047

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Hotel Polo - Viale Amerigo Vespucci, 23 - 47921 Rimini - Marina Centro (Rn)
Tel. +39 0541 51180 - Mobile/Whatsapp +39 327 1577047 - E-mail:
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