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Nuvolari Gran Prix

Vintage, historic cars :  Rimini from 16th to 19th september 2021

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The 31° edition of Grand Prix Nuvolari dedicated to the Champion Tazio Nuvolari.
This famous car competition was established in 1991, with a path of 1000 km among the beauties of Italy, history, passion, tradition aboard historic fascinating cars.
The path changes every year, start from Mantova, then a stop by the racetrack of Modena, a breathtaking route trough the hills of Romagna and Toscana, Mugello Circuit, arrival in Cesenatico on the Adriatic coast. The second stage will depart from Rimini, after touching the pearls of Italian
Renaissance, Urbino and Arezzo, racetrack of Magione, trough passes of the Apennines and pristine trails, with return to Rimini.
he third stage will coast the Adriatic, trough Emilia Romagna cities, till San Benedetto Po, ending in Mantova, the home town of Tazio Nuvolari.

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